- Make contact
Before you show up, you need to make sure some basics are in order. When you contact your interviewee, make sure you tell them 1. how much of their time you need (you should try to keep your interview under 30 minutes total). 2. When you can come. Offer them several options so they can pick a time and day that is convenient for them. 3. What you'd like to talk to them about. This does not mean you give them a list of questions beforehand (although that is not taboo), but it does mean that they know why you're there and what you'll be asking them about in general. 4. Who you are. It changes the dynamic if they know that you are students who are working on a project. How many of you will show up? What equipment will you be bringing?
- Have a plan
- Don't jump right into the interview
- Be an active listener
- Don't feel rushed to move on
- Practice rephrasing questions
- Leave the interview with a plan
- Review your notes
- Follow up
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